AAF Spokane connects members to each other through ongoing programs and events that strengthen our advertising community. We match students to employers, working professionals to one another, business to business and vendors to buyers, with the purpose of enhancing member careers, business and overall success in this field. As we come together in an inclusive community, emphasizing connection rather than competition, our entire advertising community benefits.

A strong and positive community of advertising professionals begins with integrity and trust. AAF Spokane works to nurture and encourage each other to be members of character and positive representatives of the advertising field. Together, we uplift each other and hold each other accountable to be the most thoughtful, inclusive and honest people we can be.
AAF Spokane provides an environment where members — from students to seasoned professionals — can embrace learning and growth that builds personal and professional confidence. We present opportunities to gain new skills and reinforce best practices through speakers, events and volunteer service.
Our local board works together to formulate club goals to best serve our membership as well as the greater Spokane advertising and creative community.
Jeff Fijolek
Vice President
Edible Inland Northwest
Melanie Walters
Communications Chair
Angela Schutz
Executive Director
Skyler Noble
Spokane Public Library
Andrea Parrish
Past President
Tinytall Consulting
Dakota Goldman
Awards Co-Chair
Padrino Events
Ashleigh Hughes
Programs Chair
Carl Heidle
Heidle Designs
2020-2021, Jennifer Fanto, FFW
2019-2020, Rick Hosmer, Klündt | Hosmer
2018-2019, Linda Jones, DH
2016-18, Tyler Tullis, DH
2015-16, Jean Klündt, Klündt | Hosmer
2013-15, Annie Quisenberry, Quisenberry Marketing & Design
2011-13, Patrick O’Brien, Washington Trust Bank
2009-11, Mellie Price, Global Credit Union
2007-09, Carl Heidle, Quisenberry Marketing & Design
2005-07, Dean Davis, Dean Davis Photography
2004-05, Jason Johnston, Johnston Printing
2003-04, John Cartwright, Sunset Outdoor
2002-03. Jill Lamb, Spokane Transit Authority
2001-02, Ed Renouard, Renouard Associates
2000-01, Lisa Poole, Citadel Communications
1999-00, Bonnie Tapscott, Lamar Outdoor Advertising
1998-99, Coleen Quisenberry, Quisenberry Marketing & Design
1997-98, Marc Dahlstrom, North by Northwest Productions
1996-97, Barb Beddor, Star USA
1995-96, Bill Robinson, Robinson Research
1994-95, Steve Westphal, The Spokesman Review
1993-94, Bob Runkle, WhiteRunkle Associates
1992-93, John Robideaux, Robideaux & Associates
1991-92, Dan Grady, The Spokesman-Review
1990-91, Mike Fillman, United Way of Spokane County
1989-90, Linda Kerr Kuhns, KREM
1988-89, Shaun Higgins, The Spokesman-Review
1987-88, Joyce Cameron, Planned Parenthood
1986-87, Joe Piedmont
1985-86, Jack White, Clark White & Associates
1984-85, Ron Hardin, KXLY
1983-84, Bill Burke, Burke Marketing
1982-83, Teri Little, United Specialty Advertising
1981-82, Kip Nedved, Nedved Advertising
1980-81, Jude Onthank,
1979-80, Donna Lipe, Quinn-Lipe Advertising
1978-79, Jerry Shackette
1977-78, Norm Kilgore
1976-77, Chuck Hennessey, Hennessey-Smith Funeral Home
1975-76, Larry Gants, KHQ
1974-75, Ken Degerness, Degerness & Associates
1973-74, John Troyer
1972-73, Bob Thompson
1971-72, William Mitchell
1970-71, Chuck Kroetch
1969-70, Thomas Hogan
1968-69, Loris Winn
1967-68, Chet Hall
1966-67, Dean Seaton
1965-66, W.A. Jaehn
1964-65, Ralph Shotwell
1963-64, Don McEachran
1962-63, Bryant Rooney
1961-62, Bob Lewis
1960-61, Paul Carter
1959-60, Tony Osborne
1958-59, Harold Anderson & Harold Hodge
1957-58, Stanley Ross
1956-57, C.H. Talbot
1955-56, Randall K. Johnson
1954-55, Hal Bacon
1953-54, Clement Stearns
1952-53, William Ogle
1951-52, William Rhodes
1950-51, William Rhodes
1949-50, Kimball Jack
1948-49, Grover Wilson
1947-48, A.J. Sartori
1946-47, William Peters
1945-46, G.C. MacCallum
1944-45, G.C. MacCallum
1943-44, Carol Hoffman
Our board welcomes professionals and students, in various positions, to help the creative community grow, by planning events, workshops, and much more!
A 60+ year tradition of recognizing top industry leaders for their contributions to advertising and the Spokane community.
Sarah Clifford
2022, Matt Bogue, Houdini Interactive
2021, Carl Heidle
2018, Jesse Pierpoint, Seven2
2017, Ryan Stemkoski, Zipline Interactive
2016, Rick Hosmer, Klündt | Hosmer Design
2015, Tyler Lafferty, Seven 2
2014, Mellie Price, Global Credit Union
2013, Jean Klündt, Klündt | Hosmer Design
2012, Shawn Davis, Zipline Interactive
2011, Nick Murto, Seven2 Interactive
2010, Greg Stiles, Spokane Falls Community College
2009, Kosta Panidis, Clear Channel Radio
2008, Dean Davis, Dean Davis Photography
2007, Ed Miller, Miller White Runkle
2006, Coleen Quisenberry, Quisenberry Marketing & Design
2005, Darin Klündt, Klündt | Hosmer Design
2004, CK Anderson, Anderson Mraz Design
2003, Steve Johnston, Johnston Printing
2002, Mark Dahlstrom, North By Northwest
2001, John Baechlor, Hanna & Associates
2000, John Mraz, Anderson Mraz Design
1999, Dayne Hanna, Hanna & Associates
1998, Bill Robinson, Robinson Research
1997, Don Hamilton, Hamilton Photography & Film
1996, Joyce M. Cameron, American Red Cross
1995, Bob Runkle, WhiteRunkle
1994, John Robideaux, Robideaux & Associates
1993, Toni Robideaux, Robideaux & Associates
1992, Al LaCom, KXLY TV.
1991, Ed Clark, Clark White & Associates
1990, Chuck Birmingham, KHQ TV
1989, Bill Burke, Burke Marketing
1988, Shaun O.L. Higgins, The Spokesman-Review
1987, Jack C. White, Clark White Associates
1986, Ray Lawton, Lawton Printing
1985, Bob Coons, Boulevard Consulting
1984, Linda Kerr Kuhns, KREM-TV
1983, Frank Schoonover, Washington Mutual
1982, Birney J. Blair
1981, Jude Onthank
1980, Jerry Shackette
1979, Harold E. Hodge
1978, Larry Gants, KHQ
1977, Donna Lipe, Quinn-Lipe Advertising
1976, Dean Woodring
1975, Florence Petheram
1973, Maurice Hickey
1972, William L. Hart
1971, Ken Degerness, Degerness & Associates
1969, R.H. “Bob” Lewis
1968, Keith Oka
1967, Bryant Rooney, Markham Outdoor Advertising
1966, C.H. “Tiny” Talbot
1965, Thomas Hogan
1964, Robert Showacre
1963, Virgil Warren
1962, Paul Cartier
1961, Marie Ferrell
1960, Gilbert Swanson
1959, Robert Sprague
1958, Arthur Madsen
1957, Hal Bacon
1956, Randall Johnson